Saturday, September 6, 2008

Blind Traveller

I am back home again, in Holland.
It was a long travel, i've been on the road for 24 hours before i finaly got home.

On my trip i met a young blind man that had the same destination as i had. He asked me to help him out with some things during our trip and i did.

I never realised how dependant blind people are from the strangers surrounding them.
I could have been some punk that would grab his bag or take his wallet, whatever, anything. He could not see what type of a guy i am, i was a total stranger for him and still he was depending on me to get to the toilet, something to eat or just out of the bus for a cigarette.

I think it's a brave thing for a blind man, to travel without any guidance.
I have great respect that he's willing to undertake this long trip, to get to his Dutch friend.

He was good company on my long trip back home.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

$ Money $

So, here i am with another blog.

Money is relative..or not? Since i am going abroad a lot i notice the different way of using/spending money in different countries. In Holland people say everything is expensive, it is..but for example, in slovenia the prices of primary needs (supermarket products) are almost the same price as in The Netherlands but the average paycheck in Slovenia is 600 Euro's and 1800(or more) Euro's in The Netherlands.

Is Holland expensive? no, its not. Our primary needs are not expensive, our luxury (cigarettes,gas,catering industry) needs are expensive. Too expensive, but still these are luxury needs and we have more money for our luxury needs becouse our primary needs are not expensive.

In Holland 2 Euro's for a coffee is normal, in Slovenia 0,80 Euro's is normal.

Sometimes in Holland i get the feeling people ask a prices for luxury needs that are so high, but yet not high enough for consumers to not buy these products. So altough they could decrease the price, they won't becouse people are still buying with high prices, so why lower them?

I've been told that in Macedonia you can buy a gentleman's suit for 50 Euro's but bread and milk are so expensive that people have no spare money left at the end of the month.

The primary needs are expensive and luxury is cheap. This is a big problem, money comes in becouse of the tourists that pay a visit for the cheap luxury, but the inhabitants still don't have enough money for there primary needs so for them even the luxury is expensive.

If only this problem was easy to solve..

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Achmed !

The Other Life

So, my second blog.
This time i'll try my best a bit more then my first try,i was just testing my blog and still had to figure out how this whole blog thing works, but i've got it figured now (i guess)

Ok now i want to write something about me. I don't know if your interrested in my stories but if you are then, well..thats nice then. Actualy i just got into this bloggin thing, i was bored and just surfing the internet and then i came to one blogspot website, so i thought why not try myself.

Probably by now your wondering about the title of my blog 'The Other Life''
let me explain ; I am a Dutchman myself and my girlfriend is from Slovenia (where, i am at the moment) Maybe you've heard about Slovenia, maybe not..but that's the subject for another blog later on.

Me and my girlfriend see eachother often, although there's a 1000KM in between us, for 3 years now we've managed to see eachother almost every second month. When i come here, usually i stay for about 1 or 2 weeks exept in the summer, were together all the time during the summer.
And the same counts for her, when she comes to me in Holland she stays 1 or 2 weeks.

And these weeks are the main thing about the title of my blog, during these weeks that we are together, i live such a different life then back home. Here i have no work to do, and usually my girlfriend takes days off so we have all day to spend together. It's funny to see the differences in our cultures, usually no big differences but deffinetly noticable. I will tell about these differences in the next blog.

All i want to say is that sometimes it looks like i have 2 different lives, and it would be so amazing to merge those 2 at one point in my life.

The 1st blog ever

So, what else to say then ''helloo''
This is my first blog and i have no idea what to write.

I could write what i did today, or what's on my mind..but i don't really want to..