Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Other Life

So, my second blog.
This time i'll try my best a bit more then my first try,i was just testing my blog and still had to figure out how this whole blog thing works, but i've got it figured now (i guess)

Ok now i want to write something about me. I don't know if your interrested in my stories but if you are then, well..thats nice then. Actualy i just got into this bloggin thing, i was bored and just surfing the internet and then i came to one blogspot website, so i thought why not try myself.

Probably by now your wondering about the title of my blog 'The Other Life''
let me explain ; I am a Dutchman myself and my girlfriend is from Slovenia (where, i am at the moment) Maybe you've heard about Slovenia, maybe not..but that's the subject for another blog later on.

Me and my girlfriend see eachother often, although there's a 1000KM in between us, for 3 years now we've managed to see eachother almost every second month. When i come here, usually i stay for about 1 or 2 weeks exept in the summer, were together all the time during the summer.
And the same counts for her, when she comes to me in Holland she stays 1 or 2 weeks.

And these weeks are the main thing about the title of my blog, during these weeks that we are together, i live such a different life then back home. Here i have no work to do, and usually my girlfriend takes days off so we have all day to spend together. It's funny to see the differences in our cultures, usually no big differences but deffinetly noticable. I will tell about these differences in the next blog.

All i want to say is that sometimes it looks like i have 2 different lives, and it would be so amazing to merge those 2 at one point in my life.

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