Saturday, September 6, 2008

Blind Traveller

I am back home again, in Holland.
It was a long travel, i've been on the road for 24 hours before i finaly got home.

On my trip i met a young blind man that had the same destination as i had. He asked me to help him out with some things during our trip and i did.

I never realised how dependant blind people are from the strangers surrounding them.
I could have been some punk that would grab his bag or take his wallet, whatever, anything. He could not see what type of a guy i am, i was a total stranger for him and still he was depending on me to get to the toilet, something to eat or just out of the bus for a cigarette.

I think it's a brave thing for a blind man, to travel without any guidance.
I have great respect that he's willing to undertake this long trip, to get to his Dutch friend.

He was good company on my long trip back home.

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